Animal Cracker Farm
"Go to the mountains and
drink goat milk"
- Hippocrates

​Our little 2.5 acre farm in Maple Valley, WA is home to a variety of goats. We started with two pygmies in 2004, then added our first pygoras in 2006. Soon came the first kid born on the farm, Snickerdoodle. Since then our herd has grown to about 20 goats. We added milk goats in 2008 when we discovered that we were instantly addicted to goat milk. We enjoy producing fine fleece for handspinning and yarn for wonderfully soft knitted, crocheted or felted projects-- pygora fleece is nearly cashmere. We have fresh milk and cheese for family and friends. Getting a Grade A dairy license is in the future plans, so until then, we do not sell our milk.
Now our breeding plans center around producing well-bred Miniature Dairy Goats (1st and 2nd generation); they are great for small farms and urban goat owners. Our pygoras and pygmies are now our cherished pets and have been retired from breeding.
*** Fun Fact: Most of our goats have cookie names! ***